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— These are pre-launch prices until December 2024. Membership is currently by invitation only —

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Learning with Mission Different is not ‘business as usual’; it’s learning, leadership and business done differently.

You can read more about our approach and find answers to the most commonly asked questions we hear in this section. If you still have a question, get in touch with us and we’ll be happy to answer it.

Who is this for?

Mission Different supports organisations committed to ‘doing things differently’, in both the for-profit or non-profit sectors. 

What do you mean by 'doing leadership differently'?

Most approaches to leadership are based upon a paradigm of power and control; doing leadership differently means shifting to lead from a paradigm of trust and freedom.

In our experience, this shift has a significant beneficial impact upon the results your organisation can achieve.

I'm not a leader; is this for me?

Yes, absolutely. We equip people at every level in an organisation, with the skills needed to have a significant impact at their workplace and for those around you. If this is your goal, we can help.  

We've already invested in DEI/we're no longer investing in DEI. How is this different?

While the programmes at Mission Different equip your people with the skills needed to ‘do DEI’ to progressive, world class standards, it isn’t as a ‘nice to have’ add on.

The skills people gain at Mission Different result in a fundamental shift in leadership – and how people show up and work – that inherently facilitates a more impactful, inclusive and equal environment around them. This is DEI done differently by not doing DEI at all.

Is this DEI training?

No; this is leadership training designed to equip people with the kinds of skills we know are needed to do things differently, and thrive in a different kind of workplace while simultaneously creating it around you. 

These skills can support your organisation to create a more diverse, equitable, equal and inclusive workplace because this is integrated, by default, into all our educational and training resources. 

Are you a non-profit?

No. We operate as a for-profit business with the specific intention of creating a working model of how we can do profit differently.

One explicit way we do this is the ‘redistribution of resources’ by using our profits to support colleagues in the world of work who can’t yet cover their basic needs because the system makes it so hard for them to find work, use their skills and earn a living to cover their needs. You can read more about how we plan to redistribute resources here.

What's your relationship with Mission Equality CIC?

Our founder, Lea, is a co-founder of Mission Equality CIC. We wanted to create a working model of doing a ‘for profit’ entity differently, and so Mission Different was born. 

We operate as part of an Equality Alliance with Mission Equality CIC and Lea still sits on the Board of Directors there.

How often do you release new content?

We are consistently working to create and add new Missions all the time; our goal is to work with people who create significant impact and can support you to do the same with the Missions you undertake. Our goal is to release new Missions on a regular basis.

What do you mean by 'doing business differently'?

The status quo created and upheld by the dominant systems of today serves very few of us; in fact it serves only the 1% well. The rest of us? Not so much.

Doing business differently means a deep exploration of whether the way we do business today helps us all thrive equally, and what changes are needed so that we can.

Why is this training different from other leadership training?

The skills our members gain, by default, support the creation of workplaces and ecosystems founded upon equality…where everyone has what they need to thrive and achieve the impact they want.

This is leadership training that focuses on reconnecting us with our humanity; that develops leaders who see, value and treat everyone equally, and with the kindness, respect and as we want to be seen, valued and treated ourselves.

How can these programmes change things if the systems are fundamentally broken?

The systems we operate within aren’t actually broken, they’re doing exactly what they were designed to do; unfortunately, they were designed to work well for the minority only.

Organisations and workplaces are ecosystems; when we design and build these ecosystems differently – so that everyone within them can thrive – we have an opportunity to experiment with and test alternative models which might work better. The more of these we create, the more viable alternatives we have to work with and improve. 

Imagine if the world of work was full of organisations which operated differently; it is absolutely possible for systemic change to become a reality. And we have to start somewhere.

You may also be interested in our partner organisation – Mission Equality CIC – a non-profit working to ‘do education differently’ and drive systemic change from within.

Why equality and not equity?

Equity is a step along the path to equality; equity focuses on giving everybody what they need to get to the same starting line. Equality is an entirely different kind of environment in which everybody already has everything they need to thrive.  

If you struggle to make sense of this, you’ll fully and deeply understand the distinction when you sign up to learn and train with us.

Can I get a refund?

We do not offer refunds for any reason; we believe in redistributing any income and profits we make quickly to our team and those who need support. Your membership fees will likely already have been redistributed in this way.

Can I cancel my membership?

You may cancel your membership at any time; you will not receive a refund for any remaining time on your membership.